Centipedes Chilopoda

In addition to regional and Central European specimens, the centipede collection also contains specimens from expeditions and field trips undertaken by the Natural History Museum Basel. These date from the 19th and 20th centuries.

The most significant examples from the type catalogue come from Fritz Sarasin and Jean Roux's expedition to New Caledonia, Fritz and Paul Sarasin's expedition to Sulawesi (formerly Celebes) and Alfred Bühler and Ernst Sutter's expedition to Sumba and Flores. Henry Ribaut, Carl Attems, Marcus Würmli and other researchers have published various new taxa descriptions based on these collections.

The type collection includes a total of 45 taxa. The type designations were taken from the original catalogue or original publication. Historic type designations are often impossible to transfer directly to the type designations valid today (International Code of Zoological Nomenclature, 4th Ed., 1999). Where there is dubiety, the type designation is marked with a '?' in the table. Personal messages from specialists can be found in the references.

Type catalog